Gosh.....I am sooooooooo busy and I love it!!!! This week i need to finish my class sample for the barn(YES they let ME of all people teach lol) I'm really looking forward to all of the good stuff that's happening in Mine and Jeff's life!!! OK on to inspirations. To tell you the truth i almost forgot But without further ado here are MY inspirations for this week:
Those who know me know that in order for something to be perfect it needs to include pink or teal, sparkles, and something fun..... WELL HERE IS ALL OF THAT IN ONE!!!!This chick as awesome and I will be ordering this or something like it as soon as i finish this post(OK i couldn't wait...i ordered it now)!!! I am totally gonna use this for a LO sometime it screams all things cute and wonderful!!!
NUMERO DUOS(i don't spell in Spanish) Next up is one of my scrapping hero's who's new book The Doodle formula is now out. She just rocks. I envy her doodling ability and love her blog to death!! Check it out here. Everything there makes me wanna make something.