Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy 2011!!!!

                                                                                                                  Photo credit
 2010 was an interesting year.......One word that pretty much sums it all up is CHANGE. Change started in may with my annual Inspired trip. I met some super awesome people who i know were meant to be in my life at that particular time. Most notablly Cheryl Debbie Kirsten and Donna. Each has played a pretty signifagant part in my growth as a person and an artist this year. U guys kick ass and im glad youre in my life!!! Change number 2 was in june with my new sewing machine. It changed my life and made gangsta sewing alot more stress free!!!! Change 3 was my trip to houston in october. It was an eye opener and wise things were said( ill leave it at that cus the rest is too sappy) The biggest change was in november when my husband told me we were selling our house and moving to the middle of no where in the middle of the holidays. WOW that was a big one. Were making it work. its still a little rough but its getting better ;) we have a roof over our head, a steady income and each other.....not much else i need although shopping alone does suck ass im not gonna lie. Heres my resolution video.....its actually the second half of the video that i shot on new years eve. The first half was a lil personal to be sharing with the world so i figured i would just type out the highlights :)


Mrs. Spotts said...

You rock my friend! Now, where did you move?? And how on earth did you leave your newly painted/organized art room? If you are looking to go over seas to an art retreat, check out Beth Nichols from my side bar, she is hosting something pretty fabulous!

Happy New Year! And everytime I think about my blog and what ever I am doing there, I have you to thank. This world would not be here for me if you had not suggested it.


Katie said...

Happy New Year Bree!! I just watched your sweet video. Love you girl!! Katie Lee