Friday, June 20, 2008


Well its finally here....The day I turn a quarter of a century old. Yep I'm 25 :) I have had a truly blessed year so i thought I would blog some thank yous today! First I would like to thank my wonderful husband Jeff for being caring and understanding, and letting me buy all the scrapbook stuff i could ever think i need. You make my life complete.I am very thankful to have you as my Best friend and husband! You have provided an perfect life for me, and I appreciate how much you support me in life, and my love of crafts! Plus he bought me an awesome camera so thats cool too!!! I love you baby. I also want to give big thanks to my amazing grandparents. You guys are my guiding force in life. Grandma, you are always the one I turn to in good and bad times, You provide me with the best sounding board any one could ever ask for, You listen to me and give me just the right advise when i need it most. You helped me so much this past year, I could never thank you enough. Grandpa, even though we disagree(mainly on politics) you are the most honest and kind hearted man ever. The older i get the wiser your advice seems to get! Maybe i should start listening instead of realizing youre right in the end :) I totally love my dremel tool!!!! Cheyenne, I love you the most......I hope everything works out. I will always be here for you no matter what! Thanks for showing me that people can survive waking up at 5 am :) Amanda, we have been friends 4eva and i appreciate it so much, even though we don't see each other very much, you rock! Peas and carrots and all the crazy memories ill never ever forget. You make me smile like no other :) Mary, even though we haven't known each other that long, i really think we were meant to be friends. Thanks for listening, being an awesome inspiration in life and scrapbooking, and just for being you. You rock wife!!!! Special thanks to Aunt Marnie and Grandma Fran, Even though you're not here i still think of you guys all the time. I love you both very much!!!! Thanks to everyone that's touched my life this year. to my Bloggin buddies, SISters, students and everyone else. Thanks for making this year one of the best ever. WOW that sounded like a really long Emmy speech or something. I'm sappy and just wanted every one to know how much I love them!!!! Thanks for everything. Off to bed so i can wake up and let the birthday Festivities begin!!!! Ill post some pics i promise!!!


Diane said...

Well Happy Birthday girl!!!
Hope your 25th is the best ever!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday. Hope you have a fabulous weekend, and an even more fabulous year ahead of you!

Christi Flores said...

Happy Birthday Bree!!!!

Anonymous said...

Yay, HB, girl. Hope they just get better and better.......


Linda said...

Belated Happy Birthday Bree! Hope you had a wonderful day!

Lee said...

Well Happy belated Birthday....I even have a card that I thought I sent out before I left on my trip but found it........I'm soooo sorry!! I'll be popping that in the mail today!!! YIKES!!! Forgive me and know that I wish you truly the best year yet for you!!! Hugs!!